Apel de proiecte
tema evenimentului anual Arte în Bucuresti 2015
Echipa: Alexandra Titu (curator general),
(curatori secțiuni)
Reka Csapo-Dup,
Patricia Teodorescu,
Dorina Horatau,
Mihaela Lazar
MMarius Burhan
Dorina Horatau,
Mihaela Lazar
MMarius Burhan
Centrul Artelor Vizuale, Caminul Artei, str Biserica Enei 16
Galeria Orizont, Bd. Balcescu Nicolae, 23A,
Galeria Simeza, Bd. Gh. Magheru 20
Tipografia, Hale/ Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Str. Baiculesti, 29,
Casa Mincu/ Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania, str. Arthur Verona 19.
Facultatea de Arhitectura, Strada Academiei 18-20
Casa Mincu/ Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania, str. Arthur Verona 19.
Facultatea de Arhitectura, Strada Academiei 18-20
Perioada: 9 septembrie - 9 octombrie 2015
Termen-limită de trimitere a propunerilor: 16 august 2015
Concept: „Omul împotriva vieţii” este un proiect cu angajament social/politic declarat, un proiect manifest, cu caracter protestatar. Problematicile majore la care se referă protestul, semnalând şi acuzând potenţialul distructiv declanşat permanent împotriva întregii realităţi, naturale, sociale, culturale, are ca ţintă/scop mobilizarea conştiinţei membrilor societăţii, de la nivelul deciziei politice, şi militare, la cel al tuturor instanţelor de formare, de manipulare a atitudinii şi a conştiinţei civice, şi de mobilizare a generaţiilor care îşi asumă prezentul şi pregătesc viitorul existenţei sub toate aspectele de manifestare.
Agresiunile asupra mediului produse în ultimele decenii prin exploatările abuzive şi iresponsabile, motivate de „false necesităţi” (Buckminster Fuller), de incompetenţa responsabililor, de elaborarea proiectelor macro şi microeconomice, de indiferenţa faţă de patrimoniile naturale şi culturale (incluzând sistemele axiologice, filozofice, religioase, artistice şi ştiinţa generatoare a dezvoltării tehnologice), şi faţă de problematicile sociale şi de efectele pe durate medii şi lungi ale politicilor locale, zonale şi globale, şi faţă de generaţiile viitoare destinate supravieţuirii într-o lume depeizată de suporturile elementare ale dezvoltării, ale evoluţiei şi conservării realităţii şi capacităţii de a răspunde somaţiilor ei sunt câteva dintre temele de reflecție propuse artiștilor.
Escaladarea tensiunilor politice şi interconfesionale, interrasiale şi etnice cu suport militar sistematic şi diseminat de tip terorist, degradarea relaţiilor sociale, ca şi distrugerea mediului natural impun culturii, cu toate instrumentarele sale, asumarea unei atitudini explicite, iar arta cu forţa sa de impact şi-a dovedit mereu eficienţa provocatoare şi capacitatea de orientare a opiniei publice şi de a impune modele.
Bazându-se pe suporturi tradiţionale şi inovatoare, digitale şi pe angajamente ale dinamismului corporal, ea elaborează programe imagologice capabile să impună pachete de semnificaţii, de idei, o retorică susţinută de o ideologie clară, şi autoritară. Dacă suportul ideologic ecologist şi antirăzboinic, de respectare a drepturilor omului (a drepturilor animalelor şi celorlalte specii) ca şi a legitimităţii morale şi umane a unor cercetări şi experimente legate de programele genetice, de multiplicările artificiale ale fiinţelor şi prelungirile sau suspendarea vieţii biologice sunt necesare pentru coerenţa atitudinii, flexibilitatea, varietatea şi libertatea de opţiune sunt calităţile platformei stilistice.
De la conceptualism la diversele realisme şi expresionisme, de la exerciţii experimentale la citate şi formulări referenţiale sau apropriative, opţiunile artistice, de limbaj, comportament sau suport nu sunt limitate. Exigenţele proiectului privesc aderenţa la conceptul expoziţiei şi calitatea artistică. (Alexandra Titu)
Expoziţia va fi constituită dintr-un nucleu de artişti invitaţi, cunoscuţi pentru frecventarea temei propuse, şi o secţiune de participanţi selectaţi de board-ul curatorial din proiectele propuse de artişti membri ai UAPR, de studenţi şi artişti independenţi fără limite de vârstă/generaţie, din ţară sau din orice areal geografic.
Platforma financiară a proiectului nu permite finanţarea proiectelor individuale si nu se pot deconta nici cheltuielile de transport din tara sau strainatate.
Dosarul de candidatură trebuie să conțină un singur document .pdf, nu mai mare de 10 MB, cu următoarele detalii:
- scurtă biografie (max 100 cuvinte)
- activitate artistică (max 250 cuvinte)
- fotografii ale lucrărilor propuse cu detalii - tehnică, dimensiuni, an, scurtă descriere a proiectului (max.300 cuvinte)
- date de contact - adresă de e-mail număr de telefon
- ATENTIE! pentru toti cei care aplica cu video formatele acceptate sunt MOV sau MP4
Vă rugăm trimiteți propunerile dvs pana la data de 16 august, la adresa de e-mail arte.in.bucuresti2015@gmail.com.
Team: Alexandra Titu (general curator),
Petre Lucaci (President UAPR), Marius Burhan
Reka Csapo-Dup, Patricia Teodorescu, Dorina Horatau,
Mihaela Lazar
Places: Visual Arts Center, Orizont Gallery, Simeza Gallery, Tipografia Gallery, Hale Combinat, Architects Order,
Dates: September 7 to October 7, 2015
Deadline for submission of proposals: 16. August 2015
Concept: "Human against life" is a project with social commitment / policy with a protesting character. Major issues are covered with this protest, pointing and accusing permanently destructive potential which unleashed against all living being, on a daily basis, as well as all its natural, social, cultural aspects.
Places: Visual Arts Center, Orizont Gallery, Simeza Gallery, Tipografia Gallery, Hale Combinat, Architects Order,
Dates: September 7 to October 7, 2015
Deadline for submission of proposals: 16. August 2015
Concept: "Human against life" is a project with social commitment / policy with a protesting character. Major issues are covered with this protest, pointing and accusing permanently destructive potential which unleashed against all living being, on a daily basis, as well as all its natural, social, cultural aspects.
It is also
targeted the consciousness of the
individual, mobilizing this way the members of society, handling down to the issue towards attitude and civic
awareness, and mobilizing generations who assumes the existence of present and
prepare the future in all aspects of its manifestations.
Environmental aggressions produced in recent decades by exploiting unfair and irresponsible way the resources, motivated by "false needs" (Buckminster Fuller), which emphasize incompetence, and making it responsible for drafting macro and microeconomic indifferent to natural and cultural heritage (including axiomatic systems, in philosophical, religious, art, and scientifically aspects, by enabling the excuse of generating technological development).
Environmental aggressions produced in recent decades by exploiting unfair and irresponsible way the resources, motivated by "false needs" (Buckminster Fuller), which emphasize incompetence, and making it responsible for drafting macro and microeconomic indifferent to natural and cultural heritage (including axiomatic systems, in philosophical, religious, art, and scientifically aspects, by enabling the excuse of generating technological development).
Handling social
issues regardless the long and medium term side-effects of local policies, as
well as regional and global implications of them can be also very harmful.
The right to future generations for survival in a world
of media dependent incremental development, conservation of reality and its
ability to respond notices are some of the themes suggested for reflection to artists.
Escalating political tensions as well as interfaith and interracial ethnic issues, by military support which systematically is disseminating terrorist acts, can be as well a serious issue. The degradation of social relations and the destruction of the natural environment require culture, with all its tooling, assuming an explicit attitude, and art with its impact force and- always proved challenging efficiency and ability to guide public opinion to impose models.
Escalating political tensions as well as interfaith and interracial ethnic issues, by military support which systematically is disseminating terrorist acts, can be as well a serious issue. The degradation of social relations and the destruction of the natural environment require culture, with all its tooling, assuming an explicit attitude, and art with its impact force and- always proved challenging efficiency and ability to guide public opinion to impose models.
Relying on traditional media and innovative digital and
physical dynamism commitments, it shall develop programs which visually will be
able to impose packages of meanings, ideas, rhetoric backed up by a clear
ideology and engagement.
If ideological environmentalist and antiwar movements
gains support, the respect of human
rights (as well the rights of animals and other species) will be taken
seriously. Human and moral legitimacy of
research and experiments in genetic programs, artificial multiplication of
beings and biological life extension or suspension is going on everywhere, that
is the reason why is necessary a consistency in our attitude, In the same time flexibility, variety
and freedom of choice can be a platform for
stylistic qualities.
From realism and conceptualism in various expressions,
from experimental exercises and formulations to alternative artistic options,
language, behavior or support in this regard for media or material are not
limited. The demands is only the adherence to the project concept, as well to
the on the exhibition concept, putting
the accent on the artistic quality of
the work. (Alexandra Titu)
The exhibition will consist of a core of guest artists, known for attending in their works the proposed theme and a section of participants selected by the curatorial board of the projects proposed by artists, regardless if they are UAPR ( Romanian Union of Artist) members or not. Students at MA, and PHD level as well as independent artists irrespective of age, generation, country or any geographic area are invited to apply as well,
Unfortunately financial platform do not allows project financing for individual projects, nor for the transport of works and insurance from abroad.
The exhibition will consist of a core of guest artists, known for attending in their works the proposed theme and a section of participants selected by the curatorial board of the projects proposed by artists, regardless if they are UAPR ( Romanian Union of Artist) members or not. Students at MA, and PHD level as well as independent artists irrespective of age, generation, country or any geographic area are invited to apply as well,
Unfortunately financial platform do not allows project financing for individual projects, nor for the transport of works and insurance from abroad.
However it will be made a catalogue and various prizes at
each section.
The application must contain a single pdf document, no more than 10 MB, with the following details:
- Short biography (max 100 words)
- Artistic activities (max 250 words)
- Photographs of the proposed work details - technique, size, year, short description of the project (max. 300 words)
- Contacts - e-mail phone number
Attention every video material submitted must be in MOV or MP4.
Please send your proposals no later than the date of 16 August ,
Please send your proposals no later than the date of 16 August ,
at e-mail arte.in.bucuresti2015@gmail.com address.